Call for Papers

16th annual conference EBHA and 1st joint conference with BHSJ
Paris, August 30th - September 1st 2012


Business enterprises and the tensions between local and global

Over several centuries companies have pursued their business strategies on several dimensions, from the local to the global. This can be seen in the recruitment of personnel, their procurement, their financing, their R & D, their production or services, and their relations with consumers, social forces, intellectuals, public authorities, education and research systems. However, the process of adapting to these multiple dimensions is not straightforward, even for large and experienced multinationals, and often results in tensions between global and local.

How do firms, individually or collectively, with or without the State, attempt to overcome these tensions ? Do these tensions bring constraints or opportunities ? How do they influence the ownership and management of firms ? What are their consequences on society, on culture, on the environment, and on the relations between public and private ? What are the effects of successive regulations or deregulations ? How do tariff barriers impact these tensions ? Are religions or scientific knowledge beyond these tensions ? What is the part of actors other than firms (including non-governmental organisations, trade-unions and foundations) ? How do regional organisations such as the EU, NAFTA and ASEAN,  or international organisations such as the ILO, the OECD, the WTO, matter ? What models and doctrines develop and are diffused ?  What is the role of geography, i. e. of locations where advantages can be developed locally with a world view ? Are there lasting differences between sectors or regions ? What are the characteristics and results of the successive waves of globalisation ?

These questions demand to be explored in a historical perspective, and comparisons between regions and countries, branches of industry, single enterprises, and, of course, over time, are encouraged.

Proposals for papers and or sessions related to the theme of the conference are welcome, although paper and/or session proposals not directly related to it will also be considered. For paper proposals, please submit a title and abstract of no more than 400 words (one A4 page) along with a one page CV to mail :

Session proposals should include a brief abstract of the session along with a one-page abstract and a one-page CV for each participant.

Deadline for all proposals is the 1st of February 2012.

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