Session 1.F: Raw Materials: A Key Target for International Actors
Room 1
chair: Florence Hachez-Leroy, Université d'Artois and IUF discussant: Espen Storli, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim
› Entering the International Manganese Market. W.A. Harriman's Export Concession in the Soviet Union, 1925-1928: Success and Failure - Boris Shpotov, Institute of World History Russian Academy of Sciences Moscow
14:05-15:30 (1h25)
› Can I Take the Brass Plate Down Now? The Fate of International Mining Firms from 1950. - Simon Mollan, Kevin Tennent, University of York
14:10-15:30 (1h20)
› The Entry of the Rio Tinto Company into the Iron Ore Development in Western Australia - Ayumu Sugawara, Tohoku University
14:15-15:30 (1h15)
14:00 - 15:30 (1h30)
Session 1.D: Corporate Social Policy in the 19th and 20th Centuries: Between Local, National and Global Goals
Room 10
Chair: Janette Rutterford, Open University discussant : Nicolas Flamant, SPIE Batignolles
› The Industrial Revolution or when the Enterprise Claims to Be an Ideal Micro-Society - Valérie Baroteaux, EHESS
14:00-15:30 (1h30)
› From Local Stakeholders to a Plurality of Interest Groups. Corporate Social Policy from 1945 till the 1970s - Ute Engelen, Institut für Geschichtliche Landeskunde an der Universität Mainz e.V.
14:05-15:30 (1h25)
› French Influences in Finnish Companies in an Era of Industrial Breakthrough and Modernisation – Société Michelin's Welfare Program and G.A. Serlachius AB in the 1920s and 1930s. - Susanna Fellman, University of Gothenburg
14:10-15:30 (1h20)
› Legitimation and Appeasement at Home and Abroad. Social Accounting in the 1970s and 1980s - Stephanie Hagemann-Wilholt,, Bielefeld University
14:20-15:30 (1h10)
14:00 - 15:30 (1h30)
Session 1.C: Competition Policies
Room 11
Chair: Dominique Barjot, Université Paris-Sorbonne, discussant: Bram Bouwens, Utrecht University
› The Control of Cartels in Switzerland during the 20th Century - Alain Cortat - André March - Frédéric Rebmann, Swiss National Science Research Foundation, University of Neuchâtel
14:00-15:30 (1h30)
› The Effects of Cartels on Mergers and Acqusitions: The Long-Term Development in a Selection of Industries in Sweden from the late 1940s to 1980 - Peter Sandberg, University of Gothenburg
14:05-15:30 (1h25)
› Ventures into Competitive Capitalism: A Comparison of the Australian and British Restrictive Trade Practices Registers - Zdravka Brunkova - David K. Round, University of South Australia
14:10-15:30 (1h20)
› Business Attitudes to the Australian Trade Practices Act 1965 and the Secret Register of Agreements - Kerrie Round - Martin P. Shanahan, University of South Australia
14:15-15:30 (1h15)
14:00 - 15:30 (1h30)
Session 1.I: Finance and International Investment 1: Expanding Capabilities
Room 14
Chair: Rolv Petter Amdam, BI Norwegian Business School discussant : Ludovic Cailluet, Université du Littoral
› Serving Local Demand and Global Opportunities: Dutch Corporate Finance, 1602-1850 - Abe de Jong, Erasmus University - Joost Jonker, Utrecht University/Amsterdam University - Ailsa Röell, Columbia University
14:00-14:05 (05min)
› From Rome to Europe: “Banco Torlonia” 1829-1863 - Daniela Felisini, University of Rome "Tor Vergata"
14:05-14:50 (45min)
› French Investment in Russia in the Late 19th Century: A Modern Portfolio Theory Explanation - Amir Rezaee, ISG - David Le Bris, Bordeaux Management School
14:10-14:10 ()
14:00 - 15:30 (1h30)
Session 1.G: Global and Local in 19th and Early 20th Century's Asia : Western Business Strategies and Asian Networks' Interplay and Rivalry in Treaty Ports
Room 15
Chair: François Gipouloux, CNRS - discussant: Hubert Bonin, Sciences Po Bordeaux
› The Saga of Taxation: Trade and Competition in Late Qing Shantou Treaty Port - Hubert Bonin, Sciences Po Bordeaux
14:00-14:20 (20min)
› Chinese Elite's Invitation to Foreign Powers in 1860-1890 - Hubert Bonin, Sciences Po Bordeaux
14:50-15:10 (20min)
14:00 - 15:30 (1h30)
Session 1.E: Alternative Strategies, New Products: Dacia Logan and Fiat
Room 2
Chair: Giandomenico Piluso, Università degli Studi di Siena discussant: Alan McKinlay, Heriot Watt University, Edimburgh
› From the Conception of the Logan to the Development of the Entry Line: The Organizational Conditions behind a Successful Disruptive Innovation - Christophe Midler, Ecole Polytechnique
14:00-15:30 (1h30)
› Producing the Logan: The Forced March of Internationalization for Renault and its Teams - Yannick Lung, Université Montesquieu-Bordeaux IV
14:05-15:30 (1h25)
› The Marketing and Sales of Logan: The Emergence of an Alternative Model - Bernard Jullien, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan
14:10-15:30 (1h20)
› On Strategic Discourses and Intangible Specialisation: Output-Mix Optimisation at Fiat, 1970-2012 - Giuliano Maielli, University of London
14:15-15:30 (1h15)
14:00 - 15:30 (1h30)
Session 1.B: Emerging Scholars: Energy
Room 3
Chair-discussant: Christophe Bouneau, Université Bordeaux III
› States at War, Business at Stake: The Question of the Japanese Coal “Embargo” towards China during the Sino-Japanese War (1894-95) - Alexandre Roy, INALCO
14:00-15:30 (1h30)
› The Suez Crisis and Managerial Response: British Petroleum, 1956-1957 - Neveen Abdelrehim - Josephine Maltby , University of York - Steven Toms, University of Leeds
14:10-15:30 (1h20)
› Entrepreneurial Leadership and Financial Strategy of Tonen Corporation within the Global Strategy of Exxon and Mobil, 1970-1990 - Ioka Kayoko, Hitotsubashi University
14:20-15:30 (1h10)
› The Global Competitiveness of Petrochemical Complex in Group Operation from the Formation of Kashima Complex to the Development of RING (Research Association of Refinery Integration for Group-Operation) in Japan - Kazuya Inaba, Yamaguchi University
14:30-15:30 (1h)
14:00 - 15:30 (1h30)
Session 1.A: Between Local and Global : Tourism as a Factor of Economic, Technical and Social Transformations. A Comparative Approach (19th-20th centuries)
Room 4
Chair: Philip Scranton, Rutgers University discussant: Catherine Bertho-Lavenir, Université Paris III
› The Importance of Innovation in the Parisian Great Hotel Trade, Mid-19th Century-1914 - Alexandre Tessier, Université François Rabelais, Tours
14:00-15:30 (1h30)
› Trains and Tourism. A Fatal Relation in the Development of Tourism? The Montreux-Oberland-Bernois during the 20th Century - Laurent Tissot, Université de Neuchâtel
14:15-15:30 (1h15)
› Baccarat and Bernardaud: When Heritage Meets Brand Communication - Eugénie Briot, Université Paris-Est – Marne-la-Vallée
15:10-15:30 (20min)
14:00 - 15:30 (1h30)
Session 1.H: Hidden Aspects of Internationalization
Room 5
Chair: Holger R. Bungsche, Kwansei Gakuin University discussant : Grietjie Verhoef, University of Johannesburg
› The Dynamics of Ethnic Minority Business in Japan: The Development of the “Pachinko” Pinball Entertainment Industry - Jaehyang Han, University of Tokyo
14:05-15:30 (1h25)
› Evolution of “Design Approved Parts” Suppliers in the Japanese Electronics Industry. The Case of Teikoku Tsushin Kogyo in the 1960s - Yuki Nakajima, Toyo University
14:10-15:30 (1h20)
› New Challenge toward Free-Standing: Free-Standing Company (FSC) Headquartered in One Country but Operated in Another Can Be Non-Profit? - Takeshi Ohtowa - Jinyu A. Kayama, Hiroshima City University
14:25-15:30 (1h05)
15:30 - 16:00 (30min)
Coffee break
Rooms 7-8-9
16:00 - 17:30 (1h30)
Reimagining Business History: A Roundtable
Amphithéâtre François Furet
Chair: Robert Boyer, Institut des Amériques
› Reimagining Business History: A Roundtable - Ray Stokes, University of Glasgow - Francesca Polese, Università Bocconi - Claire Lemercier, CNRS - Steve Tolliday, University of Leeds. Responses by Philip Scranton, Rutgers University - Patrick Fridenson, EHESS
16:00-17:30 (1h30)
17:30 - 18:00 (30min)
Rooms 7-8-9
18:00 - 19:15 (1h15)
Keynote Speech: Proliferating Markets. The Transnational Trade in Uranium from Africa
Session 3.D: The Contradictory Effects of World Wars
Room 1
Chair: Irina Potkina, Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences discussant: Marcel Boldorf, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
› Neutrality, trade and diplomacy – Danish-British relations during the First World War - Steen Andersen, Copenhagen Business School
08:45-10:15 (1h30)
› General Motors Corporation as an Armaments Producer: The Conversion Process from Peace-Time to War-Time Production on Both Sides of the Atlantic— - Yuji Nisimuta, Kyoto University
08:50-10:15 (1h25)
› The Restriction of Resource and Synthetic Fiber of Japan in the 1940s - Kyohei Hirano, Kobe University
08:55-10:15 (1h20)
› Comparing Organizational Change of Swiss and Anglo-Dutch Multinationals as a Result of the Two World Wars - Takafumi Kurosawa, Kyoto University - Ben Wubs, Erasmus University Rotterdam
09:15-10:15 (1h)
8:45 - 10:15 (1h30)
Session 3.B: Emerging Scholars: International Business
Room 10
Chair-discussant : Nobuo Kawabe, Bunkyo Gakuin University
› Made in Italy, Made in Britain: Quality, Brands and Innovations within the European Poultry Market, 1950s-1970s. - Alessandra Tessari, University of Salento - Andrew Godley, University of Reading
08:45-10:15 (1h30)
› Relation between National Advantage and Firm's Entry Modes: The Case of Kao Corp. - Ching-Ying Tung, Kyushu University
08:50-10:15 (1h25)
› Establishing the System Integration Capabilities and Expanding the Market to Global - Yasuaki Niitsu, Hitotsubashi University
09:10-10:15 (1h05)
8:45 - 10:15 (1h30)
Session 3.H: Immigration: From Workers to Experts
Room 11
Chair: Alain Michel, Université d'Evry discussant: Philippe Rygiel, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
› The Beginning of an “Empire”. Aristotle Onassis in Argentina, Europe and the United States, 1920s-1940s - Maria Damilakou - Gelina Harlaftis, Ionian University
08:45-10:15 (1h30)
› Strategies for Recruitment of Foreign Labor to Swedish Industry during the Post-War Era: The Case of a Mid-Size Manufacturing Firm - Olle Jansson, Uppsala University
08:55-10:15 (1h20)
› The Constraints of an Extraterritorial Recruitment Program, between Local and Global. The Case of Moroccan Workers in the Coal Mining Industry in Northern France 1950s-1980s - Anton Perdoncin, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan
09:05-10:15 (1h10)
› Between Global Mobility and Ethno-Nationalistic Immigration Policy: The Case of Foreign Experts in Israel - Dani Kranz, Erfurt University
09:50-10:15 (25min)
8:45 - 10:15 (1h30)
Session 3.C: The Role of Cartels as an Instrument of both Economic and Political Regulation
Room 14
chair: Joost Dankers, Utrecht University, discussant: Susanna Fellman, University of Gothenburg
› Solvay and the Organization of the International Alkali Trade, 1880-1914 - Nicolas Coupain, Solvay S.A.
08:45-10:15 (1h30)
› The International Mercury Cartel, 1928-1947 - Miguel A. López-Morell, Universidad de Murcia - Luciano Segreto, Università degli Studi di Firenze
08:50-10:15 (1h25)
› The International Industrial Cartels Committee. The Struggle between Private Cartels and Government Intervention within the League of Nations and the International Chamber of Commerce (1920s-1940s) - Marco Bertilorenzi, Université Paris-Sorbonne
09:00-10:15 (1h15)
› Exceptions in the French Belle Époque Textile Industries: The Cartelization of the Artificial Dye and Velvet Sectors - Philippe Petitpas, University of Montreal
10:10-10:15 (05min)
8:45 - 10:15 (1h30)
Session 3.A: Banking between Local Embeddedness and Internationalisation
Room 15
Chair: Michel Lescure, Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense discussants: Hubert Bonin, Sciences Po Bordeaux and Kazuhiko Yago, Waseda University
› French Bankers in India and Australia: The Case of CNEP - Geoffroy de Lassus, BNP Paribas
08:45-10:15 (1h30)
› The Internationalisation of Japanese Banking from the 19th to the 21st Centuries - Makoto Kasuya, University of Tokyo
08:50-10:15 (1h25)
› Between Localisation and Globalisation: HSBC Officers in China - Pui-Tak Lee, University of Hong-Kong
09:00-10:15 (1h15)
› Efim Epstein, Russian Banker between Russian Banking and Cosmopolitan Banking - Sofya Salomatina, Moscow Lomonosov State University
09:50-10:15 (25min)
8:45 - 10:15 (1h30)
Session 3.G: Competition and Cooperation among Stock Exchanges
Room 2
Chair: John Turner, Queen's University discussant: Leslie Hannah, London School of Economics
› Why Yankee Doodle Went to London: American Corporate Securities on the London Market, 1865-1914 - Mary O'Sullivan, University of Geneva
08:45-10:15 (1h30)
› How to Regulate a Financial Market? The Impact of the 1893-1898 Regulatory Reforms on the Paris Bourse - Pierre-Cyrille Hautcoeur, EHESS - Amir Rezaee, Institut Supérieur de Gestion - Angelo Riva, European Business School Paris
08:50-10:15 (1h25)
› Italian Stock Markets in the Giolitti Era: Complementarities and Competition in Microstructures (1882-1914). - Angelo Riva, European Business School
09:05-10:15 (1h10)
8:45 - 10:15 (1h30)
Session 3.E: International Economic Crisis and European Integration: Sector-regulations between Multinational Business and Industrial Policies (1973-1984)
Room 3
Chair: Sigfrido Ramirez Pérez, Université Catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve, discussant: Janette Rutterford, Open University
› World Economic Crisis and European Sectoral Public Regulations (1973-1984): The Case of Shipbuildings and Normed - Laurent Warlouzet, Université d'Artois
08:45-10:15 (1h30)
› The Best Way to Fly Away? The European Aircraft Industry and the Crises from National Concentration to Transnational Cooperation towards a “New” Global Market (1973-1985) - David Burigana, Università di Padova
08:50-10:15 (1h25)
› Antecedents of Privatization in Western Europe: State-Owned Enterprises and the Crises, 1973-1986 - Neil Rollings, University of Glasgow - Matthias Kipping, York University
09:25-09:50 (25min)
8:45 - 10:15 (1h30)
Session 3.F: Innovation: Mixing Local and Global Influences
Room 4
Chair: Eric Godelier, Ecole Polytechnique discussant: Marie Carpenter, Télécom Ecole de Management
› Local and Global Influences in Submarine Cable Companies' Research and Development Strategies, 1858-1914 - Simone Müller-Pohl, Freie Universität Berlin
08:45-10:15 (1h30)
› Finance, Innovation and Regulation at the Bell System, 1900-1940 - Paul Miranti, Rutgers Business School
08:50-10:15 (1h25)
› J-Type Innovation Process Based on Technological Interactions - Shigeru Matsushima, Tokyo University of Science
09:15-10:15 (1h)
› The Trajectory of a Japanese Creative Industry: The Competition in the Game Industry mainly between Sony and Nintendo during the Past Decades - Etsuo Abe - Hikaru Kondo, Meiji University
10:10-10:15 (05min)
8:45 - 10:15 (1h30)
Session 3.I: The Italian Variety of Capitalism (1861-2011): “Wealthy by Accident”?
Room 5
Chair: Walter Friedman, Harvard Business School discussant: Abe de Jong, Erasmus University
› Happy 150th Birthday Italy? Institutions and Economic Performance since 1861 - Michelangelo Vasta, Università di Siena - Paolo Di Martino, Birmingham University
08:45-10:15 (1h30)
› Italy's Modern Economic Growth, 1861-2011 - Emanuele Felice, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona - Giovanni Vecchi, Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”
08:50-10:15 (1h25)
› Institutions, Politics and the Corporate Economy - Andrea Colli, Università Bocconi - Alberto Rinaldi, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia
08:55-10:15 (1h20)
› The Ghost in the Attic? The Italian National Innovation System in Historical Perspective, 1861-2011 - Alessandro Nuvolari, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna - Michelangelo Vasta, Università di Siena
09:00-10:15 (1h15)
10:15 - 10:45 (30min)
Coffee break
Rooms 7-8-9
10:45 - 12:00 (1h15)
Session 4.B: Capitalist Technologies and Managerial Patterns in Socialist Plants. Business Strategies and State Regulations in Communication Industry
Room 1
Chair: PierAngelo Toninelli, Università Milano-Bicocca - discussant : Ray Stokes, University of Glasgow
› Making Swedish Telephones Soviet. Ericsson at the Leningrad Factory Krasnaia Zaria during the Interwar Period - Larissa Zakharova, EHESS
10:45-12:00 (1h15)
› The State-Socialist Mode of Production: A Small Film Industry between Berlin, Moscow and Hollywood - Petr Szczepanik, Masaryk University
11:50-12:00 (10min)
10:45 - 12:00 (1h15)
Session 4.A: A “Declaration of Inter-Dependence”: The Business of National Security and Strategic Raw Materials Stockpiling from the Great War to the Nuclear Age
Room 10
Chair: Hans Otto Frøland, Norwegian University of Science and Technology discussant: Neil Forbes, Coventry University
› A Boon for Business? The US Strategic Materials Program and the Post-War Expansion of American Corporations - Mats Ingulstad, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
10:45-12:00 (1h15)
› ‘A Self-Contained British Empire in Metals': Metals Stockpiling, Imperial Defence and Business-Government Relations, 1914 – 1958 - Andrew Perchard, University of Strathclyde
10:45-12:00 (1h15)
› The Crisis of the Home Front in 1917: The Ministry of Munitions, Private Contractors and Supply Constraints - Roger Lloyd-Jones - Merv Lewis, Sheffield Hallam University
10:50-12:00 (1h10)
10:45 - 12:00 (1h15)
Session 4.C: Health: Expanding Markets, Growing Social Costs
Room 11
Chair: Sophie Chauveau, Université de technologie de Belfort-Montbéliard discussant : Grietjie Verhoef, University of Johannesburg
› Railroad Workers and Tuberculosis: The Labor Hygiene System of the Japanese National Railways - Chaisung Lim, Seoul National University
10:45-12:00 (1h15)
› The Difficult and Pragmatic Internationalisation of a Product Category : Dermocosmetics and the Pierre Fabre Group Development 1962-2010 - Ludovic Cailluet, Université du Littoral
10:45-12:00 (1h15)
› When Technological Discontinuities and Disruptive Business Models Challenge Dominant Industry Logics: Insights from the Drugs Industry - Valérie Sabatier, Grenoble Ecole de Management
10:50-12:00 (1h10)
10:45 - 12:00 (1h15)
Session 4.I: Development of Business Relationship between European Countries and Japan during the 20th Century
Room 14
Chair: Christophe Midler, Ecole Polytechnique discussant: Leslie Hannah, London School of Economics
› Competition, Communication, and Trust. The European Dyestuffs-Cartel and its Most Dynamic Challenger: Japan (1929-1939) - Harm G. Schröter, University of Bergen
10:45-12:00 (1h15)
› Two Trade Conflicts between the European Countries and Japan in the 1930s and in the Last Quarter of the 20th Century - Takeshi Abe, Osaka University
10:50-12:00 (1h10)
› Japanese-French Business Encounters: Two Opposite Relations - Patrick Fridenson, EHESS
10:55-12:00 (1h05)
› Why Did Toyota Respond Less Quickly to Globalization? - Kazuo Wada, University of Tokyo
11:00-12:00 (1h)
10:45 - 12:00 (1h15)
Session 4.F: Myths and Realities of the Cashless Society
Room 15
Chair: J. Carles Maixé-Altés, La Coruña University discussant: Mark Billings, University of Exeter
› Origins of Cashless Payments: Direct to Account Payments, Cash Machines and Online Technology in the UK and Sweden - Bernardo Batiz-Lazo, Bangor University - Tobias Karlsson, Lund University - Björn Thodenius, Stockholm School of Economics
10:45-12:00 (1h15)
› Rabobank and Automation in the Netherlands: Against the Background of its Cooperative Philosophy - Joke Mooij, Rabobank
10:55-12:00 (1h05)
10:45 - 12:00 (1h15)
Session 4.H: Immigrant Entrepreneurs: Influences of German Immigrants on Business and American Consumer Culture, 1920s to 1950s
Room 2
Chair: Christina Lubinski, German Historical Institute, Washington DC discussant: Christian Kleinschmidt, University of Marburg
› German-American Business: Transatlantic, Transnational, 1918-1945 - Jeffrey Fear, University of Redlands
10:45-12:00 (1h15)
› “European” Immigrants and “American” Consumer Design: Knoll Associates and the Making of Transatlantic Design Modernism - Jan Logemann, German Historical Institute, Washington DC
10:50-12:00 (1h10)
› Immigration and the Rise of the Electrical Industry: Gerard Swope, General Electric - Thomas Irmer, Independent Scholar
10:55-12:00 (1h05)
10:45 - 12:00 (1h15)
Session 4.G: Nationalisation of the Railways Reconsidered: Some Approaches to the Modern Business Organisation and its Adjustment to Globalisation and Regionalisation
Room 3
chair: François Caron, Université Paris-Sorbonne, discussant: Pierre-Yves Donzé, Kyoto University
› What Caused the Failure of Nationalisation of the Railway System in Germany? : Malfunctions of the German Imperial Railway Office (Reichseisenbahnamt) in the 1870s and 1880s - Ayumu Banzawa, Osaka University
10:45-12:00 (1h15)
› Railways and Government in Meiji Japan: From Beginning to Nationalisation - Naofumi Nakamura, University of Tokyo
10:50-12:00 (1h10)
› Railway Nationalisation and its Tentative Re-Privatisation: The Swiss Case - Gisela Huerlimann, University of Zurich
10:55-12:00 (1h05)
10:45 - 12:00 (1h15)
Session 4.D: The State and Foreign Ownership in the Interwar Years: the End of the First Wave of Economic Globalization
Room 4
Chair: Walter Friedman, Harvard Business School discussant : Tetsuji Okazaki, University of Tokyo
› Attitudes and Responses to Foreign Direct Investment in Australia in the Interwar Years - Zdravka Brunkova - David K. Round - Martin P. Shanahan, University of South Australia
10:45-12:00 (1h15)
› Export Protectionism and the Great Depression: Multinational Corporations, Domestic Elite, and Export Policies in Colombia - Marcelo Bucheli, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign - Luis Felipe Sáenz, Inter-American Development Bank
10:50-12:00 (1h10)
› The State and Foreign Ownership in the Nordic Countries - Andreas Dugstad - Pål Sandvik - Espen Storli, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim
10:55-12:00 (1h05)
10:45 - 12:00 (1h15)
Session 4.E: Innovation in the Japanese Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industries
Room 5
Chair: Pascal Griset, Université Paris-Sorbonne discussant: Margrit Müller, University of Zurich
› Innovation in the Japanese Chemical Industry which Supports the World Electronics Industry - So Hirano, Seijo University
10:45-12:00 (1h15)
› Diversification toward the Pharmaceutical Industry by Japanese Large General Chemical Firms - Minoru Shimamoto, Hitotsubashi University
10:50-12:00 (1h10)
› Vicious Cycle in the Japanese Biotechnology Industry - Shiaw Jia Eyo, Hitotsubashi University
10:55-12:00 (1h05)
12:00 - 13:15 (1h15)
Rooms 7-8-9
13:15 - 13:35 (20min)
Foreign Direct Investment and the Creation of Local Organizational Capabilities: An Assessment of the Impact of the United States on the Spanish Enterprise (1918-1975)
Adoración Álvaro-Moya, Complutense University
13:15 - 14:30 (1h15)
Plenary : Dissertations Session
Amphithéâtre François Furet
Chair: Ludovic Cailluet, Université du Littoral
13:35 - 13:55 (20min)
Religion, Competition and Liability: Dutch Cooperative Banking in Crisis, 1919-1927
Christopher L. Colvin, London School of Economics
13:55 - 14:15 (20min)
Out of Norway Falls Aluminum: The Norwegian Aluminium Industry in the International Economy, 1908-1940
Espen Storli, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
14:30 - 15:00 (30min)
Coffee break
Rooms 7-8-9
15:00 - 16:30 (1h30)
Session 5.G: Taking Business History Public
Amphithéâtre François Furet
Chair: Takeshi Abe, Osaka University
› Taking Business History Public - Philip Scranton, Rutgers University - Stephen Mihm, University of Georgia - Peter Liebhold, National Museum of American History, The Smithsonian Institution - Laura Linard, Baker Library Special Collections, Harvard Business School
15:00-16:30 (1h30)
15:00 - 16:30 (1h30)
Session 5.C: Potential and Conflicts in the Expanding Food Industry
Room 1
Chair: Pierre-Antoine Dessaux, Université François-Rabelais de Tours discussant: Teresa da Silva Lopes, University of York
› Roquefort: Why a Stinky Village Cheese Became a Global Phenomenon (19th – 20th Century) - Sylvie Vabre, Université Toulouse le Mirail
15:00-16:30 (1h30)
› From Fair Cocoa to Unfair Chocolate: The Swiss Cocoa Trade and Chocolate Industry in the 20th Century - Andrea Franc, Historisches Lexikon der Schweiz, Bern
15:10-16:30 (1h20)
› Balancing the Conflicting Interests of Cartel's Members in Prewar Japan: Togyo Rengokai in Modern Sugar Manufacturing Industry - Fumikatsu Kubo, Chuo University
15:20-16:30 (1h10)
15:00 - 16:30 (1h30)
Session 5.E: Local Experiences of International Changes in Management Education and Knowledge
Room 10
Chair: Yannick Lemarchand, Université de Nantes discussant: Matthias Kipping, York University
› Institutionalization of University-Based Business Education in Japan, 1900-1930 - Yosuke Meshitsuka, Teikyo University
15:05-16:30 (1h25)
› From Harvard to Lausanne: The History of IMD (1946-1990) - Janick Marina Schaufelbuehl - Thomas David, Université de Lausanne
15:15-16:30 (1h15)
› Transferring Management Knowledge from Center to Periphery: Foreign Consultancies in Turkey - Mustafa Kurt, Yalova University
15:40-16:30 (50min)
15:00 - 16:30 (1h30)
Session 5.D: Economies under Occupation. The Hegemony of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan in World War II (Europe)
Room 11
Chair: Tetsuji Okazaki, University of Tokyo discussant: Michel Margairaz, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
› The Control of Occupied Economies in World War II: The Example of France - Marcel Boldorf, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
15:00-16:30 (1h30)
› The French Opportunity - A Local Danish Construction Company Working for the Germans in France, 1940-44. Design and Construction of German Submarine Bunkers in Bordeaux, Saint-Nazaire and La Rochelle - Steen Andersen, Copenhagen Business School
15:10-16:30 (1h20)
› Between Politics and Economy: The Regional Economic Dimension of the German Occupation of Belgium during the Second World War - Dirk Luyten, CEGES and Ghent University
15:15-16:30 (1h15)
15:00 - 16:30 (1h30)
Session 5.A: Banking and Insurance in Europe between Domestic Development and Internationalization, 1960s-1990s
Room 15
Chair: Laure Quennouëlle-Corre, CNRS discussant: Youssef Cassis, European University Institute
› Banking in Turbulent Times: French Banks, the Bank of France and the Euromarkets - Edoardo Altamura, University of Geneva
15:00-16:30 (1h30)
› Pioneering Global Banking: The Experience of Banca Commerciale Italiana (1960s-1980s) - Carlo Brambilla, University of Insubria
15:05-16:30 (1h25)
› Between Old Local Clients and New Global Markets: Deutsche Bank's Re-Consolidation as a Universal Bank after World War II and its Efforts to Implement a New Business Strategy for the 1990s and beyond - Friederike Sattler, Historical Commission at the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Munich
15:10-16:30 (1h20)
› The Setting Up of the International Network of the French Insurance Companies from the 1980s - André Straus, CNRS
15:30-16:30 (1h)
15:00 - 16:30 (1h30)
Session 5.I: Connecting People: Local vs. Global Mobility
Room 2
Chair: Pascal Griset, Université Paris-Sorbonne discussant: Lars Heide, Copenhagen Business School
› Paris Facing Its Suburbs: A Local or a Global City? The Case of the Capital's Subway, from 1900 to the 1920's - Pascal Désabres, Université Paris-Sorbonne
15:00-16:30 (1h30)
› International Firms and Urban Mobility - Maxime Huré, Sciences Po Lyon - Arnaud Passalacqua, Université Paris Diderot
15:05-16:30 (1h25)
› From Empire to Europe. The British Paper Trade, 1860–1960 - Timo Särkkä, University of Jyväskylä
15:10-16:30 (1h20)
› Profits and Owners: Are Local Different from Global? - Lars-Fredrik Andersson - Ann-Kristin Bergquist - Rikard Eriksson, Umeå University
15:15-16:30 (1h15)
15:00 - 16:30 (1h30)
Session 5.F: Globalisation, Deindustrialization and Industrial Heritage
Room 3
Chair: Florence Hachez-Leroy, Université d'Artois and IUF discussant: Philippe Mioche, Aix-Marseille Université
› Land Rehabilitation Schemes on Former Bauxite Mines: Global and Local Tensions in Jamaica and Australia - Bradley D. Cross, St.Thomas University
15:00-16:30 (1h30)
› Globalisation, De-Industrialisation and industrial heritage, the example of the paper industry in France - Louis André, University of Rennes II – Haute-Bretagne
15:05-16:30 (1h25)
› A Desperate Labyrinth. The 20th-Century Cultural Heritage of Industrial Enterprises from a Central and Eastern European Perspective - Györyi Németh, University of Miskolc
15:20-16:30 (1h10)
› Working Class Housing, a Threatened Heritage in the Globalization Context - Gracia Dorel-Ferré, Université de Savoie
15:45-16:30 (45min)
15:00 - 16:30 (1h30)
Session 5.H: Failure1: National and International Interests
Room 4
Chair: Camilla Brautaset, University of Bergen discussant: Olivier Feiertag, Université de Rouen
› Trapped in a Loveless Marriage: The Anglo-French Concorde Crisis of 1974 - Takeshi Sakade, Kyoto University
15:00-16:30 (1h30)
› Technology Imperatives and National Interests: The Failed Pirelli - Continental Merger (1989-1992) - Franco Amatori, Università Bocconi
15:05-16:30 (1h25)
› Kodak Versus Fujifilm-How to Explain Constrated Performances in the Context of Business History? - Takeshi Yuzawa, Gakushuin University
15:15-16:30 (1h15)
› Between Bank and Bankruptcy - Martin Iversen, Copenhagen Business School - Hans Sjögren, Stockholm School of Economics
15:20-16:30 (1h10)
15:00 - 16:30 (1h30)
Session 5.B: Emerging Scholars: Managing People
Room 5
Chair-discussant : Eric Godelier, Ecole Polytechnique
› The Attempt of Western Type and Developments as Japanese Type in Pay System - Masaya Hashimura, Meiji University
15:00-16:30 (1h30)
› The Birth of Highly Educated Housewives and Business Modernization - Yuki Yamauchi, Doshisha University
15:00-16:30 (1h30)
› Integrating Personal Expertise: A History of Japanese Audit Firms, 1965–2010 - Hironori Fukukawa - Masaru Karube, Hitotsubashi University
15:05-16:30 (1h25)
› Institutional Evolution in Boards of Directors in Japan - Daisuke Uchida, Hitotsubashi University
15:40-16:30 (50min)
16:30 - 17:00 (30min)
Coffee break
Rooms 7-8-9
17:00 - 18:30 (1h30)
Session 6.I: Selling Firm Identity and Culture Abroad
Room 1
Chair: Bernardo Batiz-Lazo, Bangor University discussant: Nuria Puig, Universidad Complutense Madrid
› Huntley and Palmers: Taking the Biscuit Abroad - Claire Delen, Université Paris-Sorbonne
17:00-18:30 (1h30)
› "By Mountain and Sea": The Construction of Local/Global Workplaces by British Confectionery Companies, 1920-1980. - Emma Robertson, La Trobe University
17:05-18:30 (1h25)
› Global Versus Local: An Evolutionary Official Communication of the Big French Companies in the 20th Century - Catherine Vuillermot, Université de Franche-Comté
17:45-18:30 (45min)
› Selling Safety in Elevators: Italy, Germany, Great Britain, and the United States - Daniel Levinson Wilk, Fashion Institute of Technology--SUNY
18:25-18:30 (05min)
17:00 - 18:30 (1h30)
Session 6.G: International Labor Standards and Business Policies (1920-1950)
Room 10
Chair: Marie-Emmanuelle Chessel, CNRS discussant: Martin Lengwiler, Universität Basel
› Labor Conditions, Japanese Industrialists and the ILO in the Interwar Period - Bernard Thomann, INALCO
17:00-18:30 (1h30)
› The Strategies of the Insurance Industries and the Employers vis-a-vis the Extension of Social Insurance in France, 1920-1950 - Beat Stüdli, Universität Basel
17:05-18:30 (1h25)
› American Foundations, the International Labor Organization and the « Industrial Relations » Debate in the 1920s - Thomas Cayet, Sciences Po Paris
17:10-18:30 (1h20)
› Globalizing Employers' Collective Action in the Inter-War Period: The International Organization of Industrial Employers (1920-1939) - Thomas David - Pierre Eichenberger, University of Lausanne
17:25-18:30 (1h05)
17:00 - 18:30 (1h30)
Session 6.F: Fashion: The Tensions of Dissemination
› Global-Local Tensions in the Dissemination Strategies of Paris Couture (1920s-1960s) - Florence Brachet Champsaur, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales - Véronique Pouillard Maliks, University of Oslo
17:00-18:30 (1h30)
› The Development of the Franchise Business in Japan by French Couture Enterprises - Tomoko Okawa, Institute of Fashion Industries
17:00-18:30 (1h30)
› Hennes & Mauritz (H&M): The Swedish Model, Corporate Social Responsibility and Fashion - Knut-Erland Berglund, Uppsala Centre for Business History - Ulrika Berglund, Stockholm University
17:10-18:30 (1h20)
› Using Strategic Networking to Develop Advantageous Business Institutions. International Textile Marketing of Japanese SMEs - Yasuhiro Ota, Tokuyama University
17:20-18:30 (1h10)
17:00 - 18:30 (1h30)
Session 6.E: Banking: International Markets and National Identity
Room 14
Chair: Youssef Cassis, European University Institute discussant : Mary O'Sullivan, University of Geneva
› Success in Bank Mergers. An Application of Necessary Condition Analysis (NCA) in Business History - - Abe de Jong, Jan Dul, Tony Hak, Erasmus University - Gerarda Westerhuis, Utrecht University
17:00-18:30 (1h30)
› Monetary Romanticism, Currency and Central Banks in the Nineteenth Century: The Case of Denmark and the Duchies. - Anders Sørensen, Copenhagen Business School
17:10-18:30 (1h20)
› Automating Odd-Lot Trading at the New York Stock Exchange, 1958-1976 - Phillip Bradford, GE - Paul Miranti, Rutgers Business School
17:55-18:30 (35min)
17:00 - 18:30 (1h30)
Session 6.B: Competition, Registration of Cartels and Anti-Cartels Policies
Room 15
Chair: Dominique Barjot, Université de Paris-Sorbonne discussant: Bram Bouwens, Utrecht University
› The Saltworks in Franche-Comté (France): from a State Monopoly to a Local Cartel under Observation by the Authorities (1825-1907). - Vincent Boully, Ecole nationale des Chartes
17:00-18:30 (1h30)
› “To Cheat or not to Cheat?” - Tools for Policing and Regulating Members in Legal Cartels in Finland, 1958-88. - Susanna Fellman, University of Gothenburg
17:05-18:30 (1h25)
› The Rise of European Competition Policy and Its Impact on European Companies 1950-2000. - Laurent Warlouzet, Université d'Artois
17:20-18:30 (1h10)
› Competitive Oligopoly and the Cement Industry: The Case of France (1945-1971) - Cécile Coursiéras-Jaff, Université Paris-Sorbonne
18:15-18:30 (15min)
17:00 - 18:30 (1h30)
Session 6.A: Patenting: Different Scales of Knowledge Management
Room 2
Chair: Hideaki Miyajima, Waseda University discussant : Gabriel Galvez-Behar, Université Lille III
› Entrepreneurs and Patenting Activities in Early Meiji Japan: Networks, Clusters, and Metropolises - Asuka Imaizumi, Saitama University
17:00-18:30 (1h30)
› European Patent Control: How Did MNEs Organize Technology Flows Across the Atlantic Ocean? - Shigehiro Nishimura, London School of Economics and Political Science, Kansai University
17:10-18:30 (1h20)
› Patents, Licensing and Corporate Strategy: Local and Global Markets - Diane Hutchinson, University of Sydney
17:55-18:30 (35min)
› The Advent of Performing Rights in Europe - Staffan Albinsson, University of Gothenburg
18:20-18:30 (10min)
17:00 - 18:30 (1h30)
Session 6.C: Circulating Authority: a Transnational and Translocal Perspective of the Management/Labor Relationship
Room 3
Chair: Kazuo Wada, University of Tokyo discussant: Makoto Kasuya, University of Tokyo
› The Master as a Diplomat: Governmentality and Supervision in the US Auto Industry, C. 1900-1941 - Richard Coopey, Aberystwyth University - Alan McKinlay, Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh
17:00-18:30 (1h30)
› Misappropriating a New Form of Authority? Human Relations, the Cold War and the Industrial Relations System: Some Evidence from the Italian Case (1950s-1960s) - Ferruccio Ricciardi, EHESS
17:25-18:30 (1h05)
› Manufacturing Consent and its Limits: The Case of Toyota Motor Manufacturing France - Tommaso Pardi, CNRS
18:15-18:30 (15min)
17:00 - 18:30 (1h30)
Session 6.D: Economies under Occupation. The Hegemony of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan in World War II (Asia)
› Manchurian Industrial Development: Companies and the Development of Manchuria under Occupation - Tetsuji Okazaki, University of Tokyo
17:00-18:30 (1h30)
› Expectations and Performance: The Case of the South Manchuria Railways Company, 1931-1945 - Tsutomu Hirayama, Graduate School of Film Producing Tokyo
17:05-18:30 (1h25)
› The Philippine Economy during the Japanese Occupation, 1941-1945 - Gerardo P. Sicat, University of the Philippines
17:10-18:30 (1h20)
› Financing Japan's World War II Occupation of Southeast Asia - Gregg Huff, University of Oxford, Pembroke College - Shinobu Majima, Gakushuin University Tokyo
17:30-18:30 (1h)
17:00 - 18:30 (1h30)
Session 6.H: Failure2: The Perils of a Global Market
Room 5
Chair: Sabine Effosse, Université de Tours discussant : Patrick Fridenson, EHESS
› Brands and Marketing Knowledge in Mergers and Acquisitions in the 20th Century, Testing The da Silva Lopes Model - Keetie Sluyterman, University of Utrecht
17:00-17:15 (15min)
› Pianos production, marketing and selling in the UK, 1851-1914 - Francesca Carnevali, University of Birmingham - Lucy Newton, University of Reading
17:00-18:25 (1h25)
› The Failure of the Netherlands Trading Society (NHM) in Japan in the 1880s. - Ferry de Goey, Erasmus University Rotterdam
17:05-18:00 (55min)
18:30 - 20:30 (2h)
Reception Sponsored by Business History Initiative at Harvard Business School
Session 7.B: Emerging Scholars: Small and Medium Size Entreprises
Room 1
Chair-discussant : Philip Scranton, Rutgers University
› Global Trading Through Local Networking: The Case of Yokohama, Japan, in 1859–1923 - Ryutaro Yamafuji, Yokohama City University
09:00-10:30 (1h30)
› The Economic Development of Silk Textile Industry: Local Clusters in Northern Italy and Global Economy during the Interwar Period - Makiko Hino, Osaka University
09:30-10:30 (1h)
› Invention and Commercialization of the “House Map”: The Case of Zenrin, 1946 - 1977 - Hajime Oda, Hitotsubashi University
10:15-10:30 (15min)
9:00 - 10:30 (1h30)
Session 7.G: Local Cooperatives in Global Competition
Room 10
Chair: Marie-Emmanuelle Chessel, CNRS discussant : Joost Dankers, Utrecht University
› Local Agribusiness Strategy and Global Recession: A Case Study of Modern Japan - Hikaru Tanaka, University of Tokyo
09:00-10:30 (1h30)
› The Operations of Cooperative “Centrals” in Germany in the Decades before World War I - Timothy W. Guinnane, Yale University - Frauke Schlütz, Universität zu Köln
09:05-10:30 (1h25)
9:00 - 10:30 (1h30)
Session 7.A: Becoming a Global Company
Room 11
Chair: Takeshi Yuzawa, Gakushuin University discussant : Nicolas Marty, Université de Perpignan
› Across the Borders and beyond the Boundaries: How the Olivetti Company Became a Multinational. - Adriana Castagnoli, Università degli Studi di Torino
09:00-10:30 (1h30)
› The Globalization of the European Steel Industry. History of Arcelor-Mittal: 1978-2005 - Philippe Mioche, Aix-Marseille Université
09:05-10:30 (1h25)
› The Globalization of the Firm and its Limits: The Example of the Korean Group LG - Dominique Barjot - Rang-Ri Park-Barjot, Université Paris-Sorbonne
09:25-10:30 (1h05)
› A Local Business with Global Connections: The Internationalisation Strategy of SANLAM, 1990-2010. - Grietjie Verhoef, University of Johannesburg
10:05-10:30 (25min)
9:00 - 10:30 (1h30)
Session 7.I: Public Utilities as Agents of Globalization
Room 14
Chair: Eric Bussière, Université Paris-Sorbonne discussant : Takeo Kikkawa, Hitotsubashi University
› Before BT plc: The British Post Office and the Development of the International Telecommunications Business - Neil Forbes, Coventry University
09:00-10:30 (1h30)
› The French National Telecommunications Network for Technology, Education and Research: Between Local and Global (1980-1990's) - Valérie Schafer, CNRS
09:10-10:30 (1h20)
› A New Orientation for the French Postal Services: Is La Poste Getting Global for its Own Sake? - Emmanuel de la Burgade, ESC Rennes
09:45-10:30 (45min)
› The Mail as Catalyst of Change at the French Post Office before 1914 - Sébastien Richez, Comité pour l'Histoire de la Poste
10:20-10:30 (10min)
9:00 - 10:30 (1h30)
Session 7.F: Branding: Same Name, Different Consumers
Room 15
Chair: Nobuo Kawabe, Bunkyo Gakuin University discussant : Pierre Volle, Université Paris-Dauphine
› Trademarks and British Global Dominance in Consumer Goods, 1876-1914 - Teresa da Silva Lopes, University of York - Paulo Guimarães, Universidade do Porto
09:00-10:30 (1h30)
› The Global Business with Local Records: Western Gramophone Companies in British India, 1902-1929 - Christina Lubinski, German Historical Institute, Washington DC
09:10-10:30 (1h20)
› International Marketing for Olive Oil Prior to World War II - Ramon Ramon-Muñoz, University of Barcelona
10:00-10:30 (30min)
› Knitting Seamless on the Successive Waves of Globalisation: The Evolution of Shima Seiki, Wakayama, Japan 1962-2012 - Eugene Choi, Ritsumeikan University
10:20-10:30 (10min)
9:00 - 10:30 (1h30)
Session 7.E: Corporate Networks between Local and Global: a Long Term Perspective
Room 2
Chair: Michelangelo Vasta, University of Siena discussant: Neil Rollings, University of Glasgow
› The “Bank-Industry Divide” in Britain: Long-Term Evidence from Interlocking Directorates Data - Gerhard Schnyder, King's College London - John Wilson, University of Liverpool
09:00-09:55 (55min)
› Evolution of Corporate Networks in the Twentieth Century: The Case of Japan - Satoshi Koibuchi, Chuo University - Tetsuji Okazaki, University of Tokyo
09:20-10:30 (1h10)
› The Evolving Structure of French Capitalism. Interlocking Directorates among the French Largest Firms, 1911-2000 - Pierre François - Claire Lemercier, CNRS
09:45-10:30 (45min)
9:00 - 10:30 (1h30)
Session 7.H: Technology Transfers 1: The Art of Building competences
Room 3
Chair: Eric Godelier, Ecole Polytechnique discussant: Kazuo Wada, University of Tokyo
› Danish Involvement in the Development of Asia's Cement Industry 1904-1939 - Morten Pedersen, Museum of Northern Jutland
09:00-10:30 (1h30)
› The Transfer of French Machine-Tool Technology to Japan 1952-1964 - Toshikatsu Nakajima, Rikkyo University
09:15-10:30 (1h15)
› Local Competence-Building to Build a Global Competitor: International Technology Transfer, Cumulative Innovation and the Development of Synthetic Fibre in Toray - Michael Lynskey, Komazawa University, Tokyo - Tsunehiko Yui, Mitsui Historical Archives, Tokyo
09:40-10:30 (50min)
› Tchécoslovaquie Iron Gold – Ceskomoravská–Kolben Danek - Marcela Efmertová - Jan Mikeš, Czech Technical University
10:25-10:30 (05min)
9:00 - 10:30 (1h30)
Session 7.C: Capital Market and Entrepreneurship before the Great Depression
Room 4
Chair: Patrice Baubeau, Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense discussant: Michel Lescure, Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense
› Regulating IPOs: Evidence from Going Public in London and Berlin, 1900-1913 - Carsten Burhop, Universität zu Köln & Max-Planck-Institut - David Chambers - Brian Cheffins, University of Cambridge
09:00-10:30 (1h30)
› Financial Connections and Firm Risk: Long-Term Evidence for Belgium - Ludo Cuyvers - Marc Deloof - Livia Ghita, University of Antwerp
09:50-10:30 (40min)
› The Result of Myopia or Reducing Free Cash Flow?: Payout Policy in the Interwar Period of Japan - Hideaki Miyajima, Waseda University - Takashi Najo, Bank of Japan - Ogawa Ryo, Waseda University
10:05-10:30 (25min)
› A Case Study of a Series of Mergers in the French Steel Industry - Muriel Kończyk-Petit, Université du Droit et de la Santé - Lille II
10:25-10:30 (05min)
9:00 - 10:30 (1h30)
Session 7.D: Changing Company Forms in the Internationalization Process
Room 5
Chair: Yannick Lemarchand, Université de Nantes discussant : Yoshitaka Suzuki, Hitotsubashi University
› Corporate Identity and Entrepreneurial Initiative: The British Levant Company in the Ottoman Empire (1740s-1825) - Despina Vlami, Academy of Athens
09:00-10:30 (1h30)
› The Joint Stock Company in a Peripheral European Economy during Hard Times: Statistical Series of Joint Stock Companies Births in Greece, 1909-1929 - Konstantinos D. Aivalis, independent scholar - Ioanna Sapfo Pepelasis, Athens University of Economics and Business
09:15-10:30 (1h15)
› How Did British Agency Houses Make the Best Use of “Legal Fiction” of Managing Agency or External Management ? ?A Case of Harrisons & Crosfield around World War I - Koike Kenji, Surugadai University
09:55-10:30 (35min)
› Foreign Companies in Italy and Argentina: Investment Patterns and Organizational Forms, 1914-1959 - Andrea Colli, Università Bocconi - Norma Lanciotti, Universidad Nacional de Rosario - Andrea Lluch, Universidad de San Andres
10:20-10:30 (10min)
10:30 - 11:00 (30min)
Coffee break
Rooms 7-8-9
11:00 - 12:30 (1h30)
Session 9.G: European Business and the Cold War: Constraints, Conflicts and Opportunities
Amphithéâtre François Furet
Chair: Phil Scranton, Rutgers University discussant: Luciano Segreto, Università degli Studi di Firenze
› British Government, Business and the Soviet Cold War Oil Offensive, 1957–1964 - Niklas Jensen-Eriksen, University of Helsinki
14:40-16:00 (1h20)
› Balancing between International and Local Needs: Nordic IBM Subsidiaries in the IBM World - Petri Paju, University of Turku
15:25-16:00 (35min)
› The Layers of Disunity: Presidential Politics of Finnish Business, 1981-1982 - Maiju Wuokko, University of Helsinki
15:55-16:00 (05min)
11:00 - 12:30 (1h30)
Session 8.G: Variants of the Corporate Form
Room 1
Chair: Claire Lemercier, CNRS discussant: Henry V. Nelles, McMaster University
› Determinants of the Corporate Form in 1910: A Global View - Leslie Hannah, London School of Economics - James Foreman-Peck, Cardiff Business School
11:00-12:30 (1h30)
› Association and Joint-Stock Companies in Pre-War Japan - Yoshitaka Suzuki, Hitotsubashi University
11:05-12:30 (1h25)
› Demography of Business Organizations in Japan: 1903-2009 - Takashi Shimizu, University of Tokyo
11:25-12:30 (1h05)
› Small Business Finance in Japan from the Pre-World War II Period to the High Growth Period: From the Perspective of International Comparison of the Financial History of Small Businesses - Imajoh Toru, Hannan University
12:25-12:30 (05min)
11:00 - 12:30 (1h30)
Session 8.I: Shipping and Transport 1: European Intermediaries with the World?
Room 10
Chair: Martin Jes Iversen, Copenhagen Business School discussant: Bruno Marnot, Université de La Rochelle
› Greek Family Shipping Firms in International Business, 19th Century - Alexandra Papadopoulou, Ionian University
11:00-12:30 (1h30)
› East of the Sun, West of the Moon. Wallem & Company: Shipping and Business Networks in the Far East 1903-1937 - Camilla Brautaset, University of Bergen
11:10-12:30 (1h20)
› Containers and the Hinterland of Rotterdam Sea Ports (1966-2010) - Klara Paardenkooper, Erasmus University Rotterdam
11:45-12:30 (45min)
11:00 - 12:30 (1h30)
Session 8.F: State and Business 1: National and International Issues
Room 11
Chair: Harm G. Schröter, University of Bergen discussant: Minoru Sawai, Osaka University
› Big Business and the State in Interwar Greece - Christine Agriantoni, University of Thessaly
11:00-12:30 (1h30)
› Tensions between the Government and Business in Modern Japan: The Case of the Tax Reform in 1920 - Shunsuke Nakaoka, Kokushikan University
11:10-12:30 (1h20)
› The Response of MITI and Enterprises to the Open Economy in the 1960s of Japan - Inman Yeo, Ganeung-Wonju National University
11:30-12:30 (1h)
› A Loose Managerial Conglomeration, Step by Step - Régis Boulat, Université Grenoble II - Clotilde Druelle-Korn, Université de Limoges - Béatrice Touchelay, Université de Lille III
12:05-12:30 (25min)
11:00 - 12:30 (1h30)
Session 8.B: Between Local and Global: Family Multinationals
Room 14
Chair: Andrea Colli, Università Bocconi discussant: Marian V. Jones, University of Glasgow
› Family Multinationals: Entrepreneurship, Governance and Pathways to Internationalization - Christina Lubinski, German Historical Institute, Washington DC
11:00-12:30 (1h30)
› Business, Kinship and Politics: The Determinants of the Growth and Internationalization of the Largest Chinese Family Businesses - Paloma Fernandez Perez, Universitat de Barcelona
11:05-12:30 (1h25)
› “From Zlín to the World”: Internationalization Strategies of the Czech Family Multinational Bat'a - Susanne Hilger, Universität Düsseldorf
11:20-12:30 (1h10)
› Mittelstand (SME) Micronationals - Jeffrey Fear, University of Redlands
12:10-12:30 (20min)
11:00 - 12:30 (1h30)
Session 8.A: Environment: a Key issue in the Globalization Process
Room 15
Chair: Steven Toms, University of Leeds discussant: Mathias Mutz, RWTH Aachen
› From the Parochial to the International: The Control of Municipal Waste Handling in Britain, 1945 to the Mid-1990s. - Ray Stokes - Stephen Sambrook, University of Glasgow
11:10-12:30 (1h20)
› Environmental Adaptation, Technology Development and Competition: The Case of Domsjö Sulphite Mill 1965-1990 - Kristina Söderholm, Luleå University of Technology - Ann-Kristin Bergquist, Umeå University
11:25-12:30 (1h05)
Chair: Pierre-Cyrille Hautcoeur, EHESS discussant: Lars Fredrik M. Øksendal, Norwegian School of Economics (NHH)
› Investing in the Greek War of Independence: Loans, Brokers and the City of London in the Nineteenth Century - Maria Christina Chatziioannou, National Hellenic Research Foundation
11:00-12:30 (1h30)
› A Late Victorian City of London Scandal: Founders' Shares and the Winchester House Group - Richard Hawkins, University of Wolverhampton
11:05-12:30 (1h25)
› The State and Financial Markets in Post-Soviet Russia, 1990-2011 - Ilja Viktorov, Sodertorn University
12:00-12:30 (30min)
11:00 - 12:30 (1h30)
Session 8.D: The Tensions between Business System and Morality from the Perspective of Eiichi Shibusawa
Room 3
Chair: Jeffer Daykin, Portland Community College discussant: Janet Hunter, London School of Economics
› The Tensions between the Open-Market Model and Closed “Zaibatsu” Model - Masakazu Shimada, Gakuin University
11:00-12:30 (1h30)
› Harmonization between Morality and Economy: Shibusawa’s Philosophy of Business - Kazuhiro Tanaka, Hitotsubashi University
11:05-12:30 (1h25)
› Eiichi Shibusawa's Confucian Business Ethics and Western Notions of Corporate Social Responsibility - John Sagers, Linfield College
12:00-12:30 (30min)
› Comparative Study of Eiichi Shibusawa and Sang-Yong Han: The Introduction of Modern Management Thoughts to Japan and Korea - Myungsoo Kim, Keio University, Tokyo
12:25-12:30 (05min)
11:00 - 12:30 (1h30)
Session 8.E: Transnational Strategies and International Exchanges
Room 4
Chair: Patrick Fridenson, EHESS discussant: Bernard Jullien, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan
› Product Specifications in International Trade, 1850-1914 - Alessandro Stanziani, EHESS
11:00-12:30 (1h30)
› Developing One Idea in Two Countries: The Business Groups Urquijo (Spain) and Somex (Mexico), 1940-1974 - Nuria Puig, Universidad Complutense Madrid
11:05-12:30 (1h25)
› The transatlantic business community faced with conflicting interests between local and global stakes: the case of U.S. direct investments in France (1958-1968) - Janick Marina Schaufelbuehl, Université de Lausanne
11:25-12:30 (1h05)
› Roles of Multinational Companies in the Self-Sustenance of the Thai Automobile Industry: The Case of Toyota Motor Thailand - Nobuo Kawabe, Gakuin University
12:20-12:30 (10min)
11:00 - 12:30 (1h30)
Session 8.H: Women and Gender Relations in Business
› The Employment of Women and Firm Survival: Evidence from Late Nineteenth Century Sweden - Björn Eriksson - Maria Stanfors, Lund University
11:00-12:30 (1h30)
› A Two-Population Comparative Study of Working-Class Women: Spanish Women in France and Mexican Women in USA - Blanca Ceceña, Université Paris-Sorbonne
11:10-12:30 (1h20)
› The Invisible Leading Women -The Rise and Disappearance of a Character- - Paulette Robic, Université de Nantes - Eve Lamendour, Université de La Rochelle
11:30-12:30 (1h)
12:30 - 13:30 (1h)
Rooms 7-8-9
13:30 - 14:30 (1h)
EBHA General Meeting
lecture theater
14:30 - 16:00 (1h30)
Session 9.D: Regional Differentiation in an International Perspective
› Trading Places. How Merchants Shaped the Rotterdam-Ruhr Axis in the First Global Economy, 1870-1914 - Marten Boon - Joep Schenk, Erasmus University Rotterdam
14:30-16:00 (1h30)
› Joint-Stock Companies Dynamics, Legal Institutions and Regional Economic Disparities in Italy (1859-1914) - PierAngelo Toninelli, Università Milano-Bicocca
14:35-16:00 (1h25)
› The Global and the Local: External Shocks and the Corporate Network in Portugal (20th Century) - Álvaro Ferreira da Silva - Pedro Neves, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
15:25-16:00 (35min)
› Internationalisation and the Life-Cycles of Regional Clusters - Rolv Petter Amdam, BI Norwegian Business School - Ove Bjarnar, Molde University College
15:55-16:00 (05min)
14:30 - 16:00 (1h30)
Session 9.I: Multinationals: Adapting to Diversity
Room 10
Chair: Adriana Castagnoli, Università degli Studi di Torino discussant : Takafumi Kurosawa, Kyoto University
› The German Automobile Industry and the Challenge of Global Competition - Christiane Katz, RWTH Aachen University
14:40-16:00 (1h20)
› From Local to Global: Cirque du Soleil and Multinationals as Trees - Matthias Kipping, York University - Ken-Ichi Yasumuro, Osaka University of Commerce
15:55-16:00 (05min)
14:30 - 16:00 (1h30)
Session 9.B: The Unexpected Transformations of Family Business
Room 14
Chair: Minoru Sawai, Osaka University discussant: Pierre-Paul Zalio, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan
› “Casa Ybarra”: management, vertical integration and internationalisation, c. 1860-1936 - Javier Fernandez-Roca, Universidad Pablo de Olavide
14:30-16:00 (1h30)
› From a Global Level to a Local Level: The Transition of “Fratelli Allatini” from a Multi-National Enterprise Based in Ottoman Selânik to a Local Company of Greek Salonica (1906-1926). - Evanghelos Hekimoglou, Jewish Museum of Thessaloniki - Eleni Kaplitzoglou, Allatini Mills” Archive - Maria Kavala, Hellenic Open University
14:35-16:00 (1h25)
› Foreign Family Business and Capital Flight: The Case for a Fraud to Fail - Giovanni Favero, Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia
15:20-16:00 (40min)
› The Making of a Family Entrepreneur. An Institutionalisation of the Succession Process as a Factor of Continuity in Family Enterprises - Paulette Robic - Dominique Barbelivien - Nicolas Antheaume, Université de Nantes
15:50-16:00 (10min)
14:30 - 16:00 (1h30)
Session 9.A: European Luxury Goods and Services for Asian Markets: a Perspective on Production, Distribution and Insurance Systems
Room 15
Chair: Eugene Choi, Ritsumeikan University discussant: Francesca Polese, Università Bocconi
› Fibres of History. The Transformation of the Danish Fashion Industry and the Emergence of Global Value Chains, 1970-2011 - Kristoffer Jensen, The Danish Museum of Industry and the University of Southern Denmark - René Poulsen, Copenhagen Business School
14:30-16:00 (1h30)
› The Global Value Chain and the Shift towards Luxury in the Swiss Watch Industry: A Focus on the Swatch Group (1990-2010) - Pierre-Yves Donzé, Kyoto University
14:35-16:00 (1h25)
› Expanding Luxury Market in Japan: How Did the Department Stores Contribute to Increase the Sales of European Luxury Brand? - Rika Fujioka, Kansai University
14:45-16:00 (1h15)
› Expansion of the Insurance Industry into East Asia in the 19th Century - Peter Borscheid, Universität Marburg - Niels Viggo Haueter, Swiss Re
15:45-16:00 (15min)
14:30 - 16:00 (1h30)
Session 9.C: Business with Money: Monetary Politics and Capital Flows in the Era of the First Globalization
Room 2
Chair: Etsuo Abe, Meiji University discussant: Georges Depeyrot, CNRS
› Greek Currencies Issue in France: A Case of Economic and Cultural Interaction (1868-1893) - Catherine Brégianni, Academy of Athens - EHESS
14:30-16:00 (1h30)
› Foreign Loans and Investments in the Russian Empire in the Second Half of the 19th Century - Vladimir Bakhtin, Financial University, Moscow
14:35-16:00 (1h25)
› The Lisbon Mint Activity during the Era of the First Globalisation - Rita Martins de Sousa, Technical University of Lisbon
15:20-16:00 (40min)
› The Bank of France and the Globalization of Capital Flows in the Early 19th Century - Emmanuel Prunaux, EHESS-Mission Historique de la Banque de France
15:55-16:00 (05min)
14:30 - 16:00 (1h30)
Session 9.H: Empirical Methods in Business History
Room 3
Chair: Abe de Jong, Erasmus University discussant: Andrea Colli, Università Bocconi
› New Business History? Justification for Alternative Empirical Approach - Abe de Jong - Hugo Van Driel, Erasmus University - David Higgins, University of York
14:30-16:00 (1h30)
› Ownership, Financial Strategy and Performance: The Lancashire Textile Industry, 1918-1938 - Steven Toms, University of Leeds - David Higgins, University of York
15:00-15:35 (35min)
› Family Involvement, Innovation and Growth, a PLS and Case Survey Analysis - Hugo van Driel, Abe de Jong, Erasmus University - Gerarda Westerhuis, Utrecht University
15:25-16:00 (35min)
› Opening the Innovation Systems Black Box - Lars Heide, Copenhagen Business School
15:55-16:00 (05min)
14:30 - 16:00 (1h30)
Session 9.F: State and Business 2: Confrontation or Cooperation?
Room 4
Chair: Andrea H. Schneider, Gesellschaft für Unternehmensgeschichte e.V. discussant: Marie Carpenter, Télécom Ecole de Management
› The Swedish Business Federations and Economic Policy-Making 1921-1933. Integration, Confrontation or Cooperation? - Martin Eriksson, Umeå University
14:30-16:00 (1h30)
› The Cooperation between the Luxemburg Government and its Industry, a Case Study - Marc Birchen, Université du Luxembourg
14:35-16:00 (1h25)
› French Military Action in Spain: Selling Arms, Transferring Technology, Approaching French and Spanish Armies, 1969-1980 - Esther Sánchez, Universidad de Salamanca
15:00-16:00 (1h)
› Tensions with and within Multinationals: From Bull-General Electric to Honeywell-Bull (1964-1985) - Pierre Mounier-Kuhn, CNRS & Université Paris-Sorbonne
15:50-16:00 (10min)
14:30 - 16:00 (1h30)
Session 9.E: Adapting Local Labor to the Constraints of the Global Economy
Room 5
Chair: Maria Christina Chatziioannou, National Hellenic Research Foundation discussant : Alessandro Stanziani, EHESS
› The Social Roots of British India Low Textile Labor Productivity - Estefania Santacreu Vasut, ESSEC Business School and THEMA
14:30-16:00 (1h30)
› Business Strategies and Forced Labor in Spanish Railway Infrastructures during Franco's Dictatorship: The M.Z.A. Company - Fernando Mendiola, Universidad Pública de Navarra
14:35-16:00 (1h25)
› Economic Crisis, Business and Employer Organizations: Convergences and Divergences of Interests in Greece during the Memorandum Era - Kostas Lavdas - Dionisis Gravaris - Valia Aranitou, University of Crete
14:50-16:00 (1h10)
Session 10.C: Finance and International Investment 2: Law, Trust, Debt
Room 1
Chair: Michel Margairaz, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne discussant: Joost Jonker, Utrecht University/Amsterdam University
› The Local Partners of International Investors: German and American Business in 20th Century Spain - Adoracion Alvaro-Moya, CUNEF Business School - Nuria Puig, Universidad Complutense Madrid
16:30-16:35 (05min)
› Lack of Trust among Foreign and Domestic Investors in a Developing Electricity Market: UEP in North Portugal (1922-1944) - Isabel Bartolome-Rodriguez, Universidad de Sevilla
16:40-18:00 (1h20)
› Law, Politics and Financial Development: The Great Reversal of the UK Corporate Debt Market - John Turner - Christopher Coyle, Queen's University Belfast
17:30-18:00 (30min)
16:30 - 18:00 (1h30)
Session 10.B: Emerging Scholars: Crossing Borders
Room 10
Chair-discussant: William J. Hausman, College of William and Mary
› Expecting and Allowing Engineers' Autonomous Activities: A Case Study of the R&D Process at Sony, 1946-1982 - Hiromichi Hasebe, Hitotsubashi University
16:35-18:00 (1h25)
› Organisational Construction and Internationalisation in the 1960s: A Comparative Study of Heineken and Carlsberg - Jun Sakamoto, Meiji University
16:50-18:00 (1h10)
› Managerial Perceptions and R&D Strategy: The Case of GE and WH in the 1970s - Kenichi Miyata, Meiji University
17:25-18:00 (35min)
16:30 - 18:00 (1h30)
Session 10.F: State and Business 3: Do Politics Matter?
Room 11
Chair: Ferry de Goey, Erasmus University Rotterdam discussant: Marcelo Bucheli, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
› Trading in the Age of Revolution: Victor Du Pont & Cie and the Leclerc Expedition to Subdue Saint-Domingue, 1802 - Cynthia Bouton, Texas A&M University
16:30-18:00 (1h30)
› Hungarian Electrical Companies between Local and Global 1939-1949: Transnational Networks and State Control - Maria Hidvegi, University of Konstanz
16:35-18:00 (1h25)
› Industrial Elites: From Nazi Germany to Communist Germany, 1940-1950 - Marcel Boldorf, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
16:45-18:00 (1h15)
› The Rise of the August Thyssen-Hütte and the First Continuous Hot Strip Mill in the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) (1952-1964) – Company Strategies between Technology, Local and Global Politics - Tobias Witschke, European Commission
17:10-18:00 (50min)
16:30 - 18:00 (1h30)
Session 10.G: Bridging the Gap between Local and Global : Experiences of Japan and China under Modernization and Globalization
Room 14
Chair:Masakazu Shimada, Bunkyo Gakuin University discussant: Masato Kimura, Shibusawa Eiichi Memorial Foundation
› Bridging the Gap between Local and Global: Dual Economic Functions Attributable to Shibusawa Eiichi's “Gappon-Shugi” in Japan's Modernization - Takeo Kikkawa, Hitotsubashi University
16:30-18:00 (1h30)
› History of Consumer Credit in Japan from Meiji Era to the Age of Neo-Liberalism - Adrienne Sala, Hitotsubashi University
16:35-18:00 (1h25)
› Entrepreneurial Universities and Industrial Creation in China - Hua Jin, Hitotsubashi University
16:40-18:00 (1h20)
› Neoliberalism, Economic Growth and Education Reform in Japan - Peter von Staden, Bristol Business School
16:50-18:00 (1h10)
› From Mulhouse to Gastonia: Technology and the Migration of Cotton Combed Yarn Production, 1840-1920 - Annette Cox, Independent Scholar
16:30-18:00 (1h30)
› The Nikolskaya Mill Partnership and the West European Firms: Some Aspects of Technological Transfer - Irina Potkina, Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences
16:35-18:00 (1h25)
› Aviation Gasoline Technology Transfer beyond Borders during the Second World War - Munehiro Miwa, Kyushu University
16:40-18:00 (1h20)
› Technology Transfer and Chain of Spinoffs in a Supporting Industry: The Chinese “Spring Washer Town” and the Japanese and Taiwanese Screw Clusters - Atsushi Kondo - Takafumi Kurosawa, Kyoto University
17:10-18:00 (50min)
16:30 - 18:00 (1h30)
Session 10.D: International Capital, Local Ventures
Room 2
Chair: Laure Quennouëlle-Corre, CNRS discussant: Mikael Lönnborg, Norwegian Business School & Södertörn University
› Can Monetization Kill the Markets? Short-Term Finance in France, 1945-1951 - Patrice Baubeau, Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense
16:30-18:00 (1h30)
› Local Agents and Global Finance. The End of the Rothschilds (London and Paris)-Belmont (New York) Relationship, 1919-1925 - Youssef Cassis, European University Institute - Floriane Schmidt-Maarsen, University of Geneva
16:50-18:00 (1h10)
› Mechanism under the Gold Standard: Sweden, 1834 – 1913 - Anders Ögren, Uppsala University
17:55-18:00 (05min)
16:30 - 18:00 (1h30)
Session 10.I: Shipping and Transport 2: Corporations and Public Institutions
Room 3
Chair: Keetie Sluyterman, University of Utrecht discussant: Gelina Harlaftis, Ionian University
› The Port Authority, a Product of a Globalized World? - Dirk Koppenol, Erasmus University Rotterdam
16:35-18:00 (1h25)
› "What Is In It For Us?" - Compromises and Conflicts between Public and Private Interests in Danish and Norwegian Shipping, 1980-2010 - Martin Jes Iversen, Copenhagen Business School - Stig Tenold, Norwegian School of Economics and Business
16:40-18:00 (1h20)
› Going Abroad to Escape Local Market Decline: A Business History of the Recent Development of the Danish Marine Equipment Industry - Henrik Sornn-Friese - René Poulsen, Copenhagen Business School
17:35-18:00 (25min)
16:30 - 18:00 (1h30)
Session 10.E: Latin America and Globalization: Conflict and Collaboration between Elite Networks across the Atlantic World
Room 4
Chair: Nobuo Kawabe, Bunkyo Gakuin University discussant: Henry V. Nelles, McMaster University
› The Limits to Globalization: International Banks in Mexico, 1960-2011 - Gustavo A. Del Angel, Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económica (CIDE) – México
17:10-18:00 (50min)
› Transnational Business and Networks. International Credit and Joint Ventures in Colombian Industrial Development (1925-1955) - Elisa Grandi, Université Paris-Diderot
17:50-18:00 (10min)
16:30 - 18:00 (1h30)
Session 10.A: Beyond the Management of Human Resources
Room 5
Chair: Catherine Omnès, Université de Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines discussant: Per Boje, University of Southern Denmark
› Analysing the Motives for the Implementation of De Beukelaer's Fabrieken's Corporate Social Responsibility Policy (1885-1929) - Lazlo Passemiers, University of Stellenbosch
16:30-18:00 (1h30)
› Transfer of Engineers in Military Sectors and Colonies to Civilian Sectors after the Second World War: Cases of Technical Research Institute of the Japanese National Railways and Japan Consulting Engineers Association - Minoru Sawai, Osaka University
16:35-18:00 (1h25)